Black Magic: Minyak Dagu ("Deadman's Chin Oil")

March 16, 2008

This video taken by my brother-in-law Hj.Al-Hafiz at his father's house at Padang Mengkuang, Marang. The "thing" is believed to be thrown/put by rival family living nearby in order to cause sickness to household members. Hj.Al-Hafiz and his newly wedded wife suffered unease and vomitted a day after his marriage, whilst my youngest 6-months daughter was also felt into unknown sickness also vommitted and weak - luckily she seems recovered upon our return to my house in Kemaman.

This Blackmagic is called "Minyak Dagu" which is Deadman's chin oil spelt by Black Magician or "Bomoh" and is believed to derived from Thailand. A day before this video was taken, I'd searched the "suspected" area where the thing is believed to be located but couldn't find it. This act fall into category of "Syirk" or Polytheism.

Shirk (Arabic: شرك‎) is the Islamic concept of the sin of polytheism specifically, but in a more general way refers to worshipping other than Allah, associating partners with him, giving his characteristics to other than him, or not believing in his characteristics. Within Islam, shirk is not a forgivable sin, and Muslims consider that anyone who dies subject to this sin with it will never see paradise. It is the vice that is opposed to the virtue of tawhid, literally "declaring [that which is] one", often translated into the English term "monotheism."

Categories of Shirk

Derived from the Quran and the prophetic tradition (Sunnah), there are four main categories of Shirk in Islam.

Shirk in Rubūbīyah (Lordship)

This category of Shirk refers to either the belief that others share God's Lordship over creation as His equal or near equal, or to the belief that there exists no Lord over creation at all.

Shirk by Association

This is the shirk concerned with associating 'others' with God. Among some Muslim people, Shirk in Ruboobeeyah is manifested in their belief that the souls of saints and other righteous humans can affect the affairs of this world, even after their deaths. Therefore, grave worshippers assign to human souls the divine ability to cause events in this life which in fact only God can cause. Some adherents of Wahabi use this word against Shiah Muslims claiming that "they worship at the graves of the imams (religious leaders) or call upon them for aid". These claims are dismissed as slander and distortions, as Shia's point out many of the graves are inside mosques where all Muslims go to pray (to God alone).

Shirk by Negation

This sub-category represents the various philosophies and ideologies which deny the existence of God either explicitly or implicitly. That is, in some cases God's non-existence is stated (Atheism), while in other cases His existence is claimed, but the way in which He is conceived actually denies His existence (Pantheism).

Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat (the Names and Attributes of God)

Shirk in this category includes both the common pagan practice of giving God the attributes of His creation as well as the act of giving created beings god's names and attributes.

Shirk by Humanization

In this aspect of Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat, God is given the form and qualities of human beings and animals. Due to man's superiority over animals, the human form is more commonly used by idolaters to represent god in creation. Consequently, the image of the Creator is often painted, moulded or carved in the shape of human beings possessing the physical features of those who worship them.

Shirk by Deification

This form of Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat relates to cases where created beings or things are given or claim god's names or His attributes. For example, it was the practice of the ancient Arabs to worship idols whose names were derived from the names of God. Their main three idols were: al-Lat taken from God's name al-Elah, al-'Uzza taken from al-'Aziz and al-Manat taken from al-Mannan (see The Satanic Verses). During the era of Muhammad there was also a man in a region of Arabia called Yamamah, who claimed to be a prophet and took the name Rahman which, in Islam, belongs only to God.

Shirk In al-'Ibadah (Worship)

In this category of Shirk, acts of worship are directed to other than God and the reward for worship is sought from the creation instead of the Creator. As in the case of the previous categories, Shirk in al-'Ebadah has two main aspects.

Ash-Shirk al-Akbar (Major Shirk)

This form of Shirk occurs when any act of worship is directed to other than God. It represents the most obvious form of idolatry which the prophets were specifically sent by God to call the masses of mankind away from.

Ash-Shirk al-Asghar (Minor Shirk)

  • Minor Shirk
Mahmud ibn Lubayd reported, "God's messenger said: "The thing I fear for you the most is ash-Shirk al-Asghar (minor shirk)." The companions asked "Oh! messenger of God, what is minor Shirk?" He replied "Ar-Riya (showing off), for verily God will say on the Day of Resurrection when people are receiving their rewards, 'Go to those for whom you were showing off in the material world and see if you can find any reward from them."
  • Secret Shirk
Mahmud ibn Lubayd also said, "The Prophet came out and announced, 'O people, beware of secret Shirk!' The people asked, 'O messenger of God, what is secret Shirk?' He replied, 'When a man gets up to pray and strives to beautify his prayer because people are looking at him; that is secret Shirk."
  • swearing by other than Allah
This is Minor Shirk unless he thinks he worth what Allah worth or that he worth to be worshiped like Allah.


Riya is the practice of performing any of the various forms of worship in order to be seen and praised by people. This sin destroys all the benefits that lie in righteous deeds and brings on the one who commits it a serious punishment.


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